Where is the best place to locate a MSF radio antenna ?
Generally, the MSF radio time signal can be received indoors close to the host NTP Time Server . However, there are a number of things can can interfere with MSF time signal reception.
1. If the antenna is sited underground or on a basement. Ideally the antenna should be located above ground.
2. If the antenna is sited inside a metal cage. Metal cages, such as racks or metal building clading can weaken the MSF signal strength. The signal may still be received satisfactorily, but ideally the antenna should be located outside any metal cage
3. If the antenna is located too close to electically noisy equipment. If the antenna is located on top of a PC monitor for instance, it will tend to drown the signal out. However, move the antenna a couple 50-60cm away and generally it is fine.