GPS NTP server for accurate time source
GPS NTP Servers aquire accurate timing information from the Global Postioning System (GPS) satelites for distribution to network time clients using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
GPS is a US departmrnt of defence developed satellite navigation system. The system consists of 24 orbitting sattelites to provide a positioning accuracy of 100m horizontally and 156m vertically. Additionally, the satellites have an on-board atomic clock to provide time transfer to within 340 nanoseconds of UTC.
GPS system time is provided by its composite clock which provides operational and frequency timing. The GPS system time is referenced to USNO and will not deviate from UTC by more than one millisecond.
Galleon Systems can provide dedicated 1U rack-mount GPS NTP servers or antennas that plug into standard PC's. Our equipment can synchronise single computers or entire networks to within milliseconds of the correct time.
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