UK Time server
Galleon Systems is a UK manufacturer and distributor of Time Server systems to the UK and world-wide. Based in Birmingham, UK, Galleon Systems has a comprehensive range of NTP server and Time Server solutions.
NTP Server Systems: A range of NTP server systems is available that synchronise to MSF, WWVB, DCF or GPS external time references.
Time Server Systems: A comprehensive range of Time Server systems that utilise MSF, WWVB, DCF and GPS timing references. The units all have RS232 serial interfaces that connect to a host PC. Software drivers can be supplied to synchronise time on most operating systems including Windows, Linux, Unix and Novell.
Fig: Galleon Systems UK Time Server
Best seller
A NTP time server solution for synchronising the time across computer networks.
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A Network GPS time server used to synchronise computer networks
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used alongside a Galleon timeserver to provide accurate time
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GPS Atomic Clock providing time synchronisation for computer systems