Galleon Privacy Statement PRIVACY POLICY
We are committed to keeping your details private and only collecting and using information in accordance with our Data Protection Act. Wedo not release your details to third parties save as required by law. We will take appropriate steps to protect your privacy. Whenever youprovide sensitive information (for example, a credit card number to make a purchase), we will take reasonable steps to protect it, such asencrypting your card number. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information in storage. Credit cardnumbers are used only for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes.
Your right to privacy is very important. We recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us toact in a responsible manner. We believe this information should only be used to help us provide you with better service. That's why we haveput a policy in place to protect your personal information. WEB SITE COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2006 Galleon Ltd - All rights reserved. These materials unless otherwise stated (including without limitation all articles,text, images, logos, compilation, and design) are Copyright (c) 2006 Galleon Ltd . All rights reserved. Galleon Ltd materials may be copiedand distributed on a limited basis for non-commercial purposes only, provided that any material copied remains intact and that all copiesinclude the following notice in a clearly visible position: "copyright (c) 2006 galleon ltd . all rights reserved." These materials may notbe copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from Galleon Ltd. INFORMATION COLLECTED
We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to admiNPLer our Web site. We use cookies to deliver content specificto your interests and to save your password so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. In addition, our web serverstrack information about the visits to our web sites. For example, we compile statistics that show the daily number of visitors to our sites,the daily requests we receive for particular files on our web sites, and what countries those requests come from. These aggregated statisticsare used internally to better provide services to the public and may also be provided to others, but again, the statistics contain nopersonal information and cannot be used to gather such information.
Our site's forms require users to give us contact information (like their name and e-mail address), a contact name, and demographicinformation (like their post code, age group). we use customer contact information from the form to send the user information about ourcompany and promotional material. the customer's contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary.
We will not disclose customer name, addresses, or account information to unaffiliated parties, other than:
- where the customer requests or consents to disclosure
- where we are legally required to do so (e.g. in response to a court or fraud investigation)
- where we have agreed to provide information under negotiated contracts and where the customer has been informed about the possibility ofsharing information for marketing or other similar purposes through a prior direct communication and the customer has been given thereasonable opportunity and time to decline.
For your benefit, we have made arrangements for all credit card transactions to be handled through a secure web server. This may be anoverseas-sited server. Your credit card details are not held in a readable form on our web site which reduces the possibility of anyunauthorised person learning your details while they are being transmitted on the Internet. Every time you make an order from us you willneed to insert your credit card details because we do not store card details. CONTACTING US
Galleon Ltd believes that protecting each person's right to privacy is fundamental to the quality of customer relationships.